- Animation HTML plus JS
- Features Admin Panel, HTML plus JS, Online Store/Shop, Responsive
- Functionality Online Store/Shop
- Kind of shops farm food, healthy food, food & drink, grocery, cooking, food market, society & people and lifestyle websites.
- width 1980px
- lastmod 2020-09-23T05:13:26-04:00
- Installation Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder).
- OpenCart Compatibility 2.3
- OpenCart Engine 2.3
- image-key-features https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_01.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_02.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_03.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_04.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_05.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_06.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_07.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_08.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-en_09.jpg
- Demo No Index ES, DE, PL, TR, FR, PT, NL, ZH, CS, UK, HU, SV, AR
- Additional Features One
- marketplace-membership One
- advImage https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/63300/63370-original.jpg
- Tags body, cake, catering, company, cookies, delivery, diet, diets, dinner, drinks, equipment, fat, fit, food, foods, fruits, health, healthy, lose, lunch, medical, medicine, menu, natural, nutrition, online, products, program, programs, receipts, service, services, specials, store, sweets, tasty, treatment, weight, wellness
- author_user_id 1768190
- Types OpenCart Templates
- isFree none